Tergar Meditation Community Blog

Meditation and Buddhism

The Significance of Dorje Drolo

More than any other single figure, Guru Rinpoche is the source for the entirety of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

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Meditation and Buddhism
Connecting to Dorje Drolo Practice

The Dorje Drolo teachings are considered a terma, a Tibetan word for a hidden teaching revealed by a treasure revealer.

How to meditate
Meditative Experiences? Just Keep Practicing

What I have learned and what Rinpoche emphasizes is that the quality of experience – up or down – is absolutely irrelevant.

Travel Log ~ Visiting Tergar Groups in Portugal

My Portugal travel log: Visiting Tergar Practice Groups

How to meditate
Expectations, You Say?

"Trying harder and putting in that extra bit of exertion was so counterproductive!"

Meet Kell Julliard

He appreciated Rinpoche’s emphasis on applying the teachings anywhere and anytime. “I wanted a spiritual path that would infuse the entirety of my life,” Kell recalled.

Meditation in Everyday Life
Are You My Perfect Partner?

Throughout our time together, we slowly learned we were not responsible for each other’s happiness. True happiness can only be found within ourselves.


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