Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

Love for Yourself

Once I was giving a teaching on love. The theme of the talk was that everyone has love within them. No matter what the circumstance, who you are, or where you are in the world, you have love 24 hours a day — even when you are feeling anger or…

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Benefits of Meditation
How to Get Past Failure

“It is really important that we try to believe in ourselves. Of course, sometimes we make mistakes, but we can be willing to learn from them. Even if we feel like a failure, we can view that failure as a chance to grow.”

Benefits of Meditation
Discovering Your True Identity

Your true nature is perfect. When you hear that, your first thought might be something along the lines of, “Surely you jest.” That’s a normal response, but in all seriousness, the key to meditation is to realize your innate qualities.

Benefits of Meditation
Changing Your View

"If you practice meditation, you can use problems as support for your practice. You can liberate your self-created suffering by recognizing the nature of suffering."

Benefits of Meditation
Developing Appreciation

Although the good qualities are right there within us and all around us, if we fail to recognize them, there’s not much they can do for us. But if we recognize them, it opens up a world of possibilities.

Benefits of Meditation
Living with Loss

When you’re a child, you have specific opportunities; when you grow up, you have other, different prospects and alternatives. When you’re elderly, there are still more particular life experiences to take pleasure in. If you enjoy all these moments, you will feel very content.

Benefits of Meditation
Changing the World

There’s an inextricable relationship between our minds and our external world. Whether we perceive our environment as gorgeous or hideous, useful or a hindrance, neutral or deeply meaningful — it all depends on what’s within us. If you can perceive it, it’s happening in your mind.


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